Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Major Anxiety

It hit me really hard. Anxiety attack to the max. I feel like a crazed loon. I'm not sure why exactly, I know everything will be okay, but gosh I feel like a freak. I all of a sudden feel the need to second guess every decision I've made in the past everything is going to come apart at the seams. I can't explain hands are weird. Maybe I drank too much diet coke. I have had an awful lot of caffeine today. Maybe that is it? I don't know. Okay..calm...even...calm.

I made stupid comments to my client, I feel like...stupid comments to my bosses, all of them. I just feel like a jack butt. Okay, Jess. Cease and desist on the diet coke bevs. Lord...I'm all kinds of shaky right now. Okay, I need to go to bed. WW is in the morning.

Goal weight, here I come.

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