Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween to you all! A very exciting day here in the rainy city, filled with, well, rain.

After much deliberation, my mother has chosen a contest winner. It wasn't easy, we had a number of super scary photographs!

Here's what dear ol' mom had to say about our winner:

"Um hey so, not one of those photos comes close to the gruesomeness of your picture that you took...I mean that picture will never be matched. But of the group...Vida would be the kinda of 'cute-scary.' The runner up would be the last picture of Amanda (she submitted three), but you can tell she's clearly beautiful."

So VIDA is our winner! What has he won? He's won an awesome gift certificate to Amazon along with some other great prizes. Amanda might be getting something too, for putting forth such effort.

Once I receive permission from our winner and runner-up, I'll post those winning pictures up on the site for all to see.

Thank you for your submissions. Be safe and have a great Halloween.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Last day to enter contest..

Hi everyone, just wanted to remind you that today is the last day to enter in the worst picture of you contest! Please submit your photograph to by midnight PST tonight to qualify!

All images will be judged by my mother!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Being Southern

I wonder when the "pride" associated with being Southern is going to wear off. It's strange that I adore it so much and I feel the need to fit it in to every conversation that I'm engaged in. I'm sure it's bo-ring to people, but that's alright. I'm okay with it. Here's just a few things I love about the South:

* Sweet Tea - especially of the Milo's persuasion
* College Football - I just love the enthusiasm of the fans and the energy surrounding it
* Etiquette - it's like these people in Seattle never learned how to say "please" and "thank you"!
* The style - Vera Bradley purses, pearls with sorority t-shirts, cardigan sweaters...I love it all
* Fried food - I don't care what you say, they fry EVERYTHING better in the South
* Autumn - while autumn or the fake season that is autumn in Seattle is lovely, it's done much better in the south.
* My family is there - ah, I miss them.

Alright, I am going to go. But as Miss Scarlett would say, "Tomorrow is another day."

Thursday, October 23, 2008

LBD and a cup of tea...or a teapot

Good evening all, I hope this finds you well. I'm feeling surprisingly upbeat even though it's 11:25 on a school night, my cat is meowing her head off in a desperate painful moan (I have NO idea why) and I have to be to work in t-minus 7 hours. That's okay, you can't ruin my chipperness.

Okay, hang on, wait...Susan is getting close. I need to do something about that cat, she's such a whiner. Okay, she's now sitting next to me acting semi-normal. Let's see how long it la-okay, she's gone. Ugh. No. I'm chipper tonight. FREAKING CHIPPER.

So, I went out to dinner with C and his mom and her boyfriend tonight for her birthday celebration. They are such wonderful, warm people. C's mom reminds me exactly of my best friend, M's mom, who I actually just got an e-mail from today. Anyway, we went out to Hi-Life for dinner (Susan's back and laying on the keyboard, so pardon any typos). It was so wonderful. I went there a few weeks ago, as you might recall, with some folks and wasn't very enthusiastic about it. On second try, it was really really incredible. I got ahi tuna, so perfect, amazing. I also got mashed sweet potatoes because I was trying to stay healthy -- I'm pretty sure they were mashed with butter and cream because OMG they were FANTASTIC. Wait, fatastic? Hahahhaha. Oh gosh. They were yummy and totally worth whatever number of calories they plopped on my body. So get there and eat them...and bring me some to-go.

C's mom is one of those people that loves everything you give her, but thanks to my own Mom, I think we gave her a pretty f'ing cute gift. You can steal this idea for your own mother's or someone else's if you'd like. So we got a tea pot and some flowers from the store, cut down the stems and made the teapot into a vase and then gave her some loose tea to go with it. How cute is that?? I think pretty cute and she l-o-v-e-d it.

I've been stressing out ridiculous amounts about this birthday party I have to go to on Saturday for C's cousin. It is "formal" attire, but I mean, what does that mean? I don't know. So I thought, "formal attire...prom dress? Sorority formal gown? Cocktail? Baahhh!" I went to two different Ross stores looking (I didn't want to spend alot) then finally asked my friend B if she had any I could borrow. Turns out, a LBD (little black dress for you not "in" people) was the perfect solution. Check this out:

Ow, ow. Alright, I'm out.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008, it makes sense plus contest update!

So last night at running group we had a nutritionist come in and if what she says it true, it looks like I am deficient basically all across the board. Here's what I learned last night, sorry if you already know all this info:

* Drinking two cups of green tea (hot or cold) a day will boost your metabolism by 20percent
* Drinking two cups of green tea before your work out will put you into fat burning mode immediately
* I'm anemic (ok, I already knew that...)
* I'm protein deficient (which I sensed I was), the sign of protein deficiency is craving carbs and sweets...which I do ALL the time and I didn't before about 3 months ago so there you go.
* I'm vitamin D deficient...and if you're living in Seattle with me, chances are you are too. We just don't get enough sunlight up here above San Fran, the two weeks of summer just don't cut it. Period.
* I'm healthy fat deficient (I don't really know what the terminology was for this). I should be eating more coconut oils, avocado and olive oils than I do to help with my energy stores.

So I'm going to go to the doctor and get my lab work done and then I'm going to see her to figure out how I can fix myself. I just need a little bit of direction. Anddddd she takes insurance! I have a feeling I'm going to feel a lot better SOON.


Things are heating up on the contest front. I've received several ssscccarrrrrry pictures from you folks. So scary in fact, I want to give you all a prize! But I can't, only one will be named winner. Keep sending me your photos, folks. I promise, you WANT to win this prize.

Monday, October 20, 2008

So I mentioned the worst picture ever..please don't cry.

In my contest post, I mentioned the worst picture I've ever taken in the history of my life. My mom was nice enough to take it out of the frame in her living room and scan it for me to share with all of you. I will NOT be using this photograph in my contest, because let's be honest. That would be really unfair. I'd automatically win because I'm pretty sure none of you could trump this. In my friend CP's words "you look like michael jackson/a burn victim." I'll be sure to use a photograph I took this year to be on an equal playing field.

Background on this photograph. It was taken the day of my high school graduation, I was really upset about graduation/boyfriend break up and I like to look at myself when I'm crying/upset to see how ugly I look. And well, it's pretty ugly.


Jesus, that makes me want to cry. Anyway, I have received 4 submissions today most of which were weak. Get to work people. You want to win this prize. I promise, it's good.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Contest additions

* Winner will be named on Oct. 31.
* All entries must be received by Oct. 30, please send to my gmail at

Good luck!

Most wonderful time of the year...*Time for a contest*

Ah, you feel that? The cold chill in the air, the wind breezing by rubbing it's icy hands against your rosy cheeks? It's finally here, it's autumn.

You've probably heard before that Seattle has two seasons: rain and non-rain. Which is almost true. We have more like two and a half seasons: rain, non-rain and foreboding overcast (frequently refer to in other parts of the country as fall). As the leaves begin to change and fall to the ground, the winter clouds sweep in and over the sky of Seattle, letting you know the weary weather is rapidly's your 15 day (give or take) warning.

While Seattle has the absolutely most fantastic summers in the entire world, this quick "season" is by far my favorite. Pulling sweaters out of the drawers, putting on my boots, it's strangely satisfying.

This "season" brings with it corn mazes (I went on Friday to Stockard Farms with some friends to wander the maze...or maize...hahah..oh me), pumpkin carving (did that yesterday and lost big time...but as you know I'm incapable of anything crafty a list of which now includes: gingerbread houses, egg dying and now pumpkin carving. If I can't make a proper turkey hand drawing come Thanksgiving I'll let you all know that I've reached a new level of...well...failure. Stay tuned.), wonderful hearty food and of course Halloween.

Halloween has long since been my favorite holiday (with the exception of my birthday). I mean think about it, what the hell is not to love? Dressing up as someone else, eating too much candy, scaring people...ah, perfect.

So I thought in order to get into the holiday spirit I would ask my lovely readers to humor me in a contest. The scariest picture *of you* contest. I am pretty sure I'm going to win, so just a heads up, but if any one is interested in being a judge, let me know. Reason for the contest is simple: One, its Halloween. Two, I don't know about you guys, but I've spent all year taking scary horrible unattractive photographs (most of which were by accident) and now is the time to put those babies to work. Don't be ashamed of your awful pictures, folks, its all for the spirit of contest. And like I said, I'm sure I'm going to win. In fact, I have in my past taken a picture that was so absolutely horrible, that it scared my own MOTHER and she now has it framed and for display in her living room. Everytime anyone ever sees it they cry because they're so scared. No joke, true f'ing story.

I look forward to your entries! And remember, you're doing it for the spirit of competition and of course to make me happy....which I know is exactly what all of you live for.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Life in the fast lane...

When, Lord, am I going to learn to say no? I swear, I bite off way more than I can chew too often which is exactly why I had to do Weight Watchers in the first place. I'm juuuuuu ustttttttttt kidding.

One of my PR friends, C, gave me a emery board set that has a case that says "stop me before I volunteer again." Such true words. I am what you call an over doer. I like being busy, but I when I find myself picking up the pace and starting to be busy, I just push it to the nth degree.

I was lucky enough to have yesterday off and so I headed up to Northgate to talk to WW ladies about becoming a leader. I've wanted to become a leader for awhile, but I could never make the initial meeting and after talking with the ladies I'm really excited about beginning. I l-o-v-e my leader and I hope that the people that come to my meetings will feel the same. The commitment isn't too bad, about 5 hours a week. Definitely a commitment I'm willing to make.

I've also begin initial training for the marathon, a commitment I'm finding myself less and less...well...commited to. I talked to my running coach tonight and she said since it's my first go at it that I need to plan to get 3 halves in before tackling the marathon to be sure it's something I really want to do...ugh. She said to give myself a year of training instead of the 7 months I was originally hoping for. LAME. I'm going to try to stay on track though. Send me your good thoughts.

As I've begin plans for next's the big reveal...who's ready??!? I'm planning.....I'm plannnnnnnnnnningggggggggg to gooooooooooo! Graduate school, in what, I don't know. I just know that I want to go back and I want to do something that I enjoy doing. So I'm beginning GMAT studying to get that dream going. The trouble is I keep reading more and more about how I'm never going to get financial support/aid in this blasted economy and that I should wait a couple years. I don't want to wait. So I'm going to study and hope that I kick f'ing a on the test and get amazing scholarships. I need more good thoughts please and thank you.

I'm really trying to use my spare time to think about how to improve myself, what I can do to enrich my life and I've been doing a fairly good job of it. I hand-sewed another pillow (I'll post pictures when I finish the final edge), I am reading Miss Manners, reading about politics, writing and making new healthy recipes. I'm feeling pretty good, better than I have in a very long time.

But, as the sun sets earlier and earlier (it's pitch black here in Seattle until 7:00 am and then dark again around 6:15 pm) I'm trying to stay active. As many of you know I have pretty bad seasonal affect disorder, it's important to find ways to stay active. So, thus, the busyness...catch 22.

Anyway, I'm tired. Night.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Easily discouraged...

Ah, the inspirational blog of yesteryear can only last so long until I'm feeling back in the dumps again. I need to learn some positive self talk and use it more often, instead of the "I'm a failure, I'm fat, yadda yadda." It's amazing you all have listened to me as long as you have. Here's some positive self talk for one little lost lady in Seattle:


* H, the president of my company, told me yesterday that I am the cutest dresser she's ever seen and she wants to go shopping with me. "You put clothes together like no one I know and it's always SO cute."
* As crappy as I've been eating for the past whatever amount of time, there is still something I can do about it. I can kick this. I can get back on top, starting first thing tomorrow (since it's girl's night tonight and we're having fondue).
* My hair cut is really cute. Most of you haven't had a chance to see how cute my new do is, but I've gotten lots of snaps. And, well hell, I like it.
* I'm witty. I mean, there are so many people out there (none of you, you're all lovely people) that don't have a spark of humor in them. Bo-RING.
* I have excellent health and I've lost 35 lbs this year. That f'ing means something.
* I have great family, great friends and a wonderful b/f. That must mean I'm doing something right. Well, I suppose the family just happened, but the rest...I did that so *snaps*
* My pedicure looks DAMN good.
* I'm a doer. If I make a plan and really want it to happen it gets done. It's just making sure I'm striving for things that I really want seems to be the trick.
* I'm busy. I'm busy with friends, with activities, with constant things to do and I love it.
* I have a cute cat that might drive me crazy, but she snuggles me and loves me above everyone else -- sorry C, but you know she does.
* I've had more opportunities than most. I'm talented at what I do (regardless of whether I love it or not), I'm GOOD at it. And that means something. FYI, I have an article coming out in the Oct. 13 issue of Woman's World magazine, so pick up a copy.
* I'm reading Miss Manners right now so I can cross the "Become more Southern" thing off my bucket list. Now if I only knew how to make grits.....

As hard as things are now, as easily discouraged and depressed as I sometimes allow myself to be when I read about our economic struggles, or interact with the mean girl at work, I have a lot going for me. And that means something. That means that I still reside in the House of Awesome.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Marathon running inspiration

I spend an awful lot of time thinking thoughts of worthlessness and how many struggles I endure..."woe is me, woe is me" thoughts. What an f'ing waste of time. If I spent 1/2 the time that I spending thinking those thoughts then I could basically rule the world. Or at least run for Vice President...hah, just kidding.

It's true that I do spend a lot of time dreaming about things, "what if I did x, what if I did z, that'd be awesome." But I never put those into action. It turns out I might have been looking for some inspiration to kick me into gear...fortunately, I finally found it.

I went this weekend down to Portland to watch my good friend W run her first marathon, which may have been one of the most incredible things I've seen ever. My friend has gone through a huge transition this year, going from non-runner to marathon heroine, she's become my very own self-help book. Not that she needs help, just that she's helpful....anyway. She ran the marathon in an incredible 5:03, staying consistent the entire time. As she ran around a corner in mile 21 and we were there to cheer her on, it occurred me that I really want to have that kind of experience. Not just friends cheering me on, but having that kind of emotional roller coaster, setting out for a very visible goal and making it happen.

I'm fortunate that I'm already in a running group every Tuesday and we're training for a 10k at the end of November, that's when I figure I'll start training for the marathon. I think it will be an incredible experience, obviously an exhausting one, but I think it might be just the thing to get me through the winter.

Thanks, W, for being such an inspiration and congratulations! Hopefully it's only a matter of time until you can say congratulations to me!