Ah, the inspirational blog of yesteryear can only last so long until I'm feeling back in the dumps again. I need to learn some positive self talk and use it more often, instead of the "I'm a failure, I'm fat, yadda yadda." It's amazing you all have listened to me as long as you have. Here's some positive self talk for one little lost lady in Seattle:
* H, the president of my company, told me yesterday that I am the cutest dresser she's ever seen and she wants to go shopping with me. "You put clothes together like no one I know and it's always SO cute."
* As crappy as I've been eating for the past whatever amount of time, there is still something I can do about it. I can kick this. I can get back on top, starting first thing tomorrow (since it's girl's night tonight and we're having fondue).
* My hair cut is really cute. Most of you haven't had a chance to see how cute my new do is, but I've gotten lots of snaps. And, well hell, I like it.
* I'm witty. I mean, there are so many people out there (none of you, you're all lovely people) that don't have a spark of humor in them. Bo-RING.
* I have excellent health and I've lost 35 lbs this year. That f'ing means something.
* I have great family, great friends and a wonderful b/f. That must mean I'm doing something right. Well, I suppose the family just happened, but the rest...I did that so *snaps*
* My pedicure looks DAMN good.
* I'm a doer. If I make a plan and really want it to happen it gets done. It's just making sure I'm striving for things that I really want seems to be the trick.
* I'm busy. I'm busy with friends, with activities, with constant things to do and I love it.
* I have a cute cat that might drive me crazy, but she snuggles me and loves me above everyone else -- sorry C, but you know she does.
* I've had more opportunities than most. I'm talented at what I do (regardless of whether I love it or not), I'm GOOD at it. And that means something. FYI, I have an article coming out in the Oct. 13 issue of Woman's World magazine, so pick up a copy.
* I'm reading Miss Manners right now so I can cross the "Become more Southern" thing off my bucket list. Now if I only knew how to make grits.....
As hard as things are now, as easily discouraged and depressed as I sometimes allow myself to be when I read about our economic struggles, or interact with the mean girl at work, I have a lot going for me. And that means something. That means that I still reside in the House of Awesome.
Aura Color Readings
8 months ago
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