When, Lord, am I going to learn to say no? I swear, I bite off way more than I can chew too often which is exactly why I had to do Weight Watchers in the first place. I'm juuuuuu ustttttttttt kidding.
One of my PR friends, C, gave me a emery board set that has a case that says "stop me before I volunteer again." Such true words. I am what you call an over doer. I like being busy, but I when I find myself picking up the pace and starting to be busy, I just push it to the nth degree.
I was lucky enough to have yesterday off and so I headed up to Northgate to talk to WW ladies about becoming a leader. I've wanted to become a leader for awhile, but I could never make the initial meeting and after talking with the ladies I'm really excited about beginning. I l-o-v-e my leader and I hope that the people that come to my meetings will feel the same. The commitment isn't too bad, about 5 hours a week. Definitely a commitment I'm willing to make.
I've also begin initial training for the marathon, a commitment I'm finding myself less and less...well...commited to. I talked to my running coach tonight and she said since it's my first go at it that I need to plan to get 3 halves in before tackling the marathon to be sure it's something I really want to do...ugh. She said to give myself a year of training instead of the 7 months I was originally hoping for. LAME. I'm going to try to stay on track though. Send me your good thoughts.
As I've begin plans for next year...which...here's the big reveal...who's ready??!? I'm planning.....I'm plannnnnnnnnnningggggggggg to gooooooooooo back...to.....school! Graduate school, in what, I don't know. I just know that I want to go back and I want to do something that I enjoy doing. So I'm beginning GMAT studying to get that dream going. The trouble is I keep reading more and more about how I'm never going to get financial support/aid in this blasted economy and that I should wait a couple years. I don't want to wait. So I'm going to study and hope that I kick f'ing a on the test and get amazing scholarships. I need more good thoughts please and thank you.
I'm really trying to use my spare time to think about how to improve myself, what I can do to enrich my life and I've been doing a fairly good job of it. I hand-sewed another pillow (I'll post pictures when I finish the final edge), I am reading Miss Manners, reading about politics, writing and making new healthy recipes. I'm feeling pretty good, better than I have in a very long time.
But, as the sun sets earlier and earlier (it's pitch black here in Seattle until 7:00 am and then dark again around 6:15 pm) I'm trying to stay active. As many of you know I have pretty bad seasonal affect disorder, it's important to find ways to stay active. So, thus, the busyness...catch 22.
Anyway, I'm tired. Night.
Aura Color Readings
8 months ago
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