Monday, July 13, 2009

...lots of Twitter tips out there...but if you had to give one..

As the microblogging community evolves, more and more "social media experts" are trying to put in their two-cents of how the online community should play out, what are "great" case studies and what are failures. I spend a lot of time reading articles, trying to find different opinions and executions in order to try and formulate my own opinion on this social media thing...and today after reading several articles on Twitter "tips" I took it to my own network.

"Network," I say:

And the network spoke:

kristy: Observe - watch and listen to learn.

dylanw: If a hot girl follows you, follow her back, because she's totally into you. #badtwittertips

jcroft: Twitter tip: don't be a webcock. Why? Because webcocks suck.

PRCog: fill in the bio before u start fllwing.

PeterKretzman: My 1 Twitter tip: write what you think will be interesting to others, NOT what you're doing right now (despite the prompt)

CoolGuyGreg: that there is no real benefit to folow everyone who follow you. Find those you have a true interest in wht they have to say

manningsmith: 1 tip: be intentional about all online communication. what do you want to accomplish with your tweets. what don't you want?

cj_alexander: Use Tweetdeck's Groups to make sense of the twitstream firehose, otherwise it's just too much above about 50 follows...

dave_lo: Stay with it. Twitter gets good, but u have to take time to build up a network
about an hour ago

mbull: Understand what u want to do w/ Twitter before starting. Don't do it just to do Twitter. Embarrassment could follow.
about an hour ago

caferozella: Give value in your tweets. That's how you get followers and engage.
about an hour ago

Commodoros: be sure to use 140 characters or less.

alboss: My twittertip: "Follow because you win fabulous prizes." Speaking of which, mine must be lost in the mail. (Hahah, this may be my favorite.)

: know why you want to use Twitter, what you hope to gain. It will guide all you do & give you direction.

All really great tips...but the number one tip I took away? Easy. Listen to your network!


Unknown said...

be consistent, be yourself, ask for help if needed, don't sell, lend value, authentically want to help people and you will be successful, have a purpose and post various media, images, videos, links etc.. and please o please, fill in your bio, have a real picture of you and a link to know more about you...

Miss Jessica said...

Absolutely! Thank you, Jayson.